Qubo Car GPS Tracker

Jatin Joshi

What is it?

A GPS tracker is quite a useful tool in terms of safety and convenience making it a must-have for your car. Installing the credit-card-sized GPS module requires expertise. Thankfully, you can call a Qubo technician for a quick and hassle-free installation. The interface is via the Qubo Go app available on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store. You do have to pay a nominal monthly charge for the sim-based system but it is worth it. 

Besides tracking your car’s location, it also gets a geofencing function wherein it sends alerts if your car crosses the geofence boundary and also if the car is moved/towed. It even notifies you if your car’s ignition is switched on or off. The speed tracking and route playback feature allows you to see where your car has been. The AI-based accident detector also sends your family a notification in case of a mishap.

Rs 3,499 (including a 3-month subscription plan)

Where can I buy one?

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