It was a normal work day and I was on my way back home from office when the lights turned red and I came to a halt. The road was jam-packed as it was rush hour. I looked around to see the people looking at Jimny and talking about it, some with a smile, others with a surprised look. What could they be talking about, I wondered. Probably about how fun it must be to drive this car, said my heart, instantly contradicted by my brain saying – or about how small the car looked for its price. And hence began a tug of war between the two.

Look at the manual gearbox, it is so notchy to operate, said my brain. But doesn’t that engage you so much in driving this car and put a smile on your face every time you get it right? Oh yeah, it does, I said. Heart – 1, brain – 0.

The engine is not powerful enough to make it go fast, said the brain. Heart replied by saying – but the suspension setup is so good, you can simply glide over anything that the perpetual roadworks could throw at you, without slowing down. I couldn’t disagree. Heart – 2, brain – 0.

But it can only sit four people comfortably, said the brain. That’s true, said the heart, but doesn’t the narrow dimension make it so easy for you to drive it in the city traffic? It does, I said, almost instantly. Heart – 3, brain – 0.

0.2 milliseconds after the light turned green, a honk from behind brought me back to my senses. I smiled and moved ahead after engaging the first gear with some effort, realising that my heart had fallen for the Jimny’s imperfections and that no matter how many times the brain tries to debate it, the heart is going to end up victorious.